Module E2 - Slide 34


Photo description: Looking at the same intersection, but photographer turned to face the street that was on the right in the previous slide. A large pole is on the left in the photo, beyond it is a street. Two APS devices are mounted on that pole, one pointing toward the street to the left and one point across the street in front of the photographer. Looking across the street in front, the crosswalk begins approximately 10 feet to the right of the pole and goes straight across the street from the point, at an angled to the photographers viewpoint.

The APS for the crosswalk shown in this photo is located more than 10 feet outside the crosswalk lines, toward the intersection, and an attempt has been made to point the arrow toward the destination within the crosswalk on the other side of the street so it is angled on the pole toward the right. It is within 6 feet of the curb. However, a person standing by the APS is not visible to cars turning right because the pole is between the pedestrian and the vehicles and the pole blocks the sound of the vehicles as well. If the blind pedestrian goes and finds the curb ramp, the APS is not audible because it’s so far away. Basically, good equipment has been installed in a way that doesn’t work well to provide the accessible information.