APS utilization techniques for blind pedestrians

The following section is adapted from Crossroads: Modern Interactive Intersections and Accessible Pedestrian Signals (Barlow & Franck, 2005).

It is particularly important to recognize that the APS information is supplemental to traffic and environmental cues, and only provides information about the status of the signal. The APS WALK indication indicates that the WALK signal is on, not that it is safe to cross. Cars can still be turning across the crosswalk or running a red light. The APS WALK sound can be compared to the "on your mark" instruction at the beginning of a race. Though it means that the signal has changed, it is still important to "get set" (assess the traffic), then "go" (begin to cross).

Suggested techniques in using APS

The only place in the O&M literature where specific techniques are suggested for crossing at intersections using APS is a section in a curriculum on APS, developed for Easter Seals Project ACTION (2003). Based on the experience of the authors and the Project ACTION curriculum, the following techniques are suggested:

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