Module D - Slide 18


In developing the prioritization tool, the research team selected factors (e.g., crosswalk width, signal design) to include in the tool. Factors that made crossing more difficult for blind pedestrians were given higher point values. This produced the initial form of the prioritization tool. Then, with help from traffic engineers in Cambridge, Tucson and Charlotte, the team selected ten crosswalks in each of the three cities. Each crosswalk was rated with the initial prioritization tool. The same crosswalks were rated by O&M specialists and blind or low vision pedestrians who ranked them in order of difficulty for blind pedestrians and all met in focus groups to discuss their reasoning. The sets of rankings were compared. The places where the draft prioritization tool results differed from the expert results showed where the tool's point values needed to be raised or lowered. This process produced a tool that was validated by comparison to expert opinion in real-world situations in cities in different parts of the US.