Module E2 - Slide 29


Here’s the after photo of this corner of East & Euclid. The photo is of the same corner from the same angle, but taken somewhat closer to East Boulevard. The landscape strip along curb of Euclid has been paved to a location about 20 feet back from the intersection. Two new pedestal poles have been added with the pushbutton and APS to cross the East near the street and in line with the outside crosswalk line, at the edge of the landscape strip. The pole for the Euclid Ave street crossing is about a foot off the curb, within the newly paved area, and in line with the minor street crossing line. The APS installed in this location are blue box-like devices protruding about four inches from the pole.

Two new pedestal poles with APS and pedestrian signals were installed at this location. Quite a bit of concern was expressed by some individuals in the signal department about the buses hitting the pole because it was obvious that they had been riding up on the curb previously. The curb radii was not changed or reconstructed as part of the project, yet the pole and APS remained in place without being hit for several years.